Monday, September 10, 2007

Those Blasted Wheat Thins!!

Last night, I took my walk around the block (2 miles) and I stopped in Walgreens for a few things my wife had asked me to pick up. Unfortunately, I also picked up two bags of baked wheat thins. Each bag contained 8 servings and about 3 points per serving. I ate about a serving last night after my walk and they were great. Today, I took them to walk and to say the least, there are none left. TWO BAGS!! TWO BAGS!! TWO BAGS!!

I am about to scream at myself, but I know the damage is done and now I can get on with it. Even after the two bags, I'm not too far off for the day. I had small meals all day and my exercise has covered the difference. We'll see what the scale says on Wednesday.

I have not had anything crunchy and salty for a long time and I went a bit overboard. At least I haven't opened the licorce I bought too. Hoping I can be strong enough to bring that to work and let everyone in our "At Work Challenge" feast while I watch.


Christine said...

Hey. Thanks for stopping by my blog - much appreciated. Your wheat thins sounded like me losing my battle with a jar of peanut butter the other night - I ate half the jar before I realized it. :) Ooops. Looking forward to keeping an eye on your journey.

Kathy said...

Don't know if this matters to you or not, but I was looking through the pantry the other day to see what foods had High Glucose Corn Syrup in them because I had been doing some reading about the fact that it may lead you to overeat the foods it is in (and other negative things. I found it in three things: our ketchup and apple sauce...which I don't eat...and my 100 calorie packs of baked wheat thins which I only buy in the 100 calorie packs because the sweetness of the cracker combined with their salt just makes me want to eat and eat and eat. Hmmm. Could be something to it.

Anonymous said...

We all have those "what in the heck was I thinking?" moments. The important thing is how you react to it. Limiting the damage, being accountable for it and doing your best to avoid those moments in the future are all keys to being successful in the future and it sounds like you've got it covered.

Good luck at the scale!

TB--Milwaukee said...

High Glucose Corn Syrup, I will definitely have to keep my eyes open for that in the future.