Friday, February 13, 2009

The Best Medicine

Yesterday, was a long day listening to my two girls grumble about not being able to go to school. When I was a kid, I would have longed for the day I could stay home from school and watch movies on a big screen TV all day. But alas, yesterday was the day for the Valentine's Day parties. Today, there was no school scheduled since we had parent/student/teacher conferences last night. Unfortunately, ours turned into a one parent/one teacher conference.

I knew the only reason the girls were looking forward to school was because of all the treats they were expecting to receive. Fortunately, we have the best neighbor in the world. She called us early yesterday and asked if we needed anything. Our 4 yr. old had taken a ride with her the day before and planned on going again yesterday, till we actually took her temperature and she was well over 100. So...the day of complaining began, not before our neighbor brought us an unopened package of Children's Tylenol.

Little did we know that our neighbor was not done with her acts of kindness. She stopped in both classrooms after school and brought both our girls the best medicine of the day. Valentines!! My girls suddenly went from sickbed, to celebrating.

Not the best day in my books, but I tracked everything.


Kate said...

Amazing how far a few valentines (and a neighbors act of kindness) can go in making your day a little better huh?

Good job on tracking everything, even if it wasn't the best!

Kathy said...

Now that neighbor is a prize! Do whatever you need to keep yourself in her good graces!

Becky Fyfe said...

That really was great of your neighbour! They don't celebrate Valentine's here in schools the way they do in the US, but my daughter always gives all of her classmates a card and a fairy cake because I remember how things were done when I was growing up (in the US).

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for Eva! She's a great neighbor. Hope your family is well soon...nothing worse than sick kids...especially on party days at school. Stay well.


new*me said...

what a sweet neighbor. We had the same situation with conferences so the kiddos were off today ;) and are off Monday for President's Day too. Unfortunately winter weather is back so we can't get outside!

Doug said...

I remember those days. Making 20 valentines the night before, seemed like torture then. I am not artsy.

Now I would much rather do that than quite a few things :)