Friday, September 12, 2008


I did it. Yesterday, I finally hauled my lazy butt out of bed when the alarm went off. I've not been doing the morning exercise thing since BB#4 arrived in June. Even though I wasn't waking up with him in the middle of the night and even though he's been sleeping through the night for the last month, I've excusercized every morning. My alarm still goes off every morning at 5:00 and every morning I reset it for 5:55. I've done this for too long. Wednesday, someone on the WW message board commented on feeling really good about waking up early to exercise and challenged the rest of us to do so. I did it and swore and my cyberspace friend the whole time. Afterwards, I did thank him for the motivation and he reminded me that I was actually the one to recommend early morning workouts many months ago. So, now that the little one is sleeping through the night, I shall wake up at least twice a week to exercise so I can keep reaching my 4 time a week goal.

Thanks for the well wishes about staying home. I'm really looking forward to it now and will definitely need to make myself a "lesson plan" for the days. Just like when I was teaching, hopefully these lessons will actually turn out ;)


WWSuzi said...

Good for you, that's what i try for 4x a week and anything above that is a miracle ;)

Anonymous said...

Good job on getting up to exercise! It also is nice to get it out of the way at times too, yes?

Andrew is getting fit said...

Good man! It's too easy to let our good habits slip so I'm glad to see you are back in the groove of things!

Kate said...

In Re your comment,

I'm actually one of the few people who live in Detroit that realize that the Lions suck, I'm not in denial. That being said, I'm really pulling for your Packers this year. I like Aaron Rodgers, and I think he handled himself so well in the Farve situation. So I'm pulling for you guys, and your Brew Crew too! Although they are enough to give anyone an ulcer!

new*me said...

It can be so hard to get up early when you don't "have" to but the feeling you get after a good workout makes it so worth it :)

Moby Dick said...

Getting up at the crack of dawn is not easy, but when I get to the gym early it makes the day a lot better!

Anonymous said...

Great Job!! I didn't even hear you get up this morning!!