Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Evening Snacks: Day 2

Monday night, I tried to follow the advice of my leader telling me to track in the evening and eat only one food as a snack after supper. Did well Monday, snacking on baby carrots and I didn't even add the PB2 as a dip like I normally would.

Tuesday night, I did even better. I didn't snack at all after school and I think a key was that the girls didn't really ask for snacks either. My 7 yr. old had popcorn and my 4 yr. old had a custard snack/dessert that was leftover from Monday as she fell asleep very early. I was busy making dinner and didn't even think of snacking. Ate chicken breast, sweet potato, and assorted sauteed veggies for dinner and snacked on a few grapes. Haven't had grapes in the house for a while, so they were a welcome treat.

Yesterday, I took my first trip to Woodman's mega grocery store. The store was created by a WW lifetimer. It has tons of WW products and the fresh fruit and veggie department made my regular supermarket look very skimpy. It's a drive for us, about a 20-25 minute drive, but it may be worth it to take the trip once every few weeks. Plus, my 3 yr. old fell asleep on the ride home and slept till I woke him up to get his sisters from school.

Tracking my dinner and evening snack my be a key to getting myself back into the swing of things. It's a lot easier to remember what I have for one meal/snack than remembering the whole day.


Doug said...

Yea Woodman's!!

I will have to remember that tracking trick if I start having a problem in the future.

Becky Fyfe said...

Lately I've been eating too much earlier in the day and then having to make up for it by skimping at dinner. I have got to get back to where I was last week.