Tuesday, March 17, 2009

RIP: King of...


Last weekend, a colleague was complaining about no being able to rid herself of her "baby weight." Another leader pointed out that her "baby" is now 4 years old and stated, "Honey, that ain't no baby weight anymore...any other excuses!!" Got me thinking about all the excuses I have made for putting on a few pounds. The latest ridiculous one being the air-popped popcorn. Of course, air-popped popcorn hasn't caused me to see a gain in the scale, I could point to several other poor decisions that lead to the scale fluctuations. Another excuse that I have used a lot is that the weather has been so cold, wintry, etc. and I just haven't gotten to go outside to exercise. Well, I know very well that I can exercise INSIDE, but then what excuse would I use. I need to keep an eye on the kids ;)

I shall attempt to rid myself of excuses for a gain. I know what happened and I know how to fix it, how 'bout you?


Becky Fyfe said...

Exactly! I try very hard not to let myself use any excuses!

d.fine09 said...

I'm still laughing! Good for the person who pointed it out but also a reality check. This was me after number one. Now 5 months after number two I am not letting myself use it as an excuse!

kborn said...

I'd love to work out but I just don't want to. Flossing is really what I need to work on.

LOVE the new blog look....I thought I hit the wrong link when it popped up!!

Anonymous said...

ok you are the only OTHER PERSON I KNOW to have tried that air popped excuse.

when I slapped on 25 pounds nonetoolongago I totally tried that one on myself as well.

Ron said...

It's soooooooo easy to come up with excuses!!!

new*me said...

the plateau I had for a month totally threw me.....because up till then I could always tell what caused no loss or a small gain. I am hoping I am over the hurdle for a bit.

I was wondering about the popcorn :)

Anonymous said...

Is 9 months after still baby weight? I ahve been walking to 3rd floor at least 4 times a day and drinking only water.. no more soda or sugar flavored coffee.. i should start packing my lunches... but i don't eat that much for dinner.

Andrew is getting fit said...

I've just gotten lazy both mentally and physically!