Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Coffee Drinkers "Lazy Man's Diet"

Meet JavaFit! I saw this at the Wisconsin State Fair this summer and today they ran a segment on a local TV talk show. Coffee that contains an appetite suppressant, coffee that maximizes your energy, coffee that contains essential vitamins to help boost your immune system.

I thought the concept was rather ingenious. Many people drink coffee, why not add the appetite suppressant? The gentleman that appeared on the show today had lost over 40 pounds in 2 months claiming that his coffee habit was all that he had changed.

There are so many different options for energy drinks, but this seems to be one that doesn't have such a huge amount of calories/sugar.

I know I am one that has every intention to take a multi vitamin daily, but usually forget. But...I never forget my coffee.

Not sure if I'll ever get around to ordering/buying any of this, but it is "coffee" for thought.


Ron said...

Hmmm, well I drink a pot of coffee every day.... hmmmm wonder if I should check it out.

Doug said...

As I sit here sipping coffee, I can't help but want to try this.

WWSuzi said...

I don't drink coffee so i guess it's nothing that i would try!

TB--Milwaukee said...

Ron~a pot?? That seems like a lot...I sometimes forget about mine and usually only finish 1 cup, but I always make 4.

Doug~if you don't have a favorite kind of coffee, this doesn't sound bad. I usually always drink the same kind...Folger's Gourmet Vanilla.

Spunkysuzi~Never a coffee drinker here either till I found out it was zero points and it has flavor.