Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Break

It was a different kind of week last week, as the kids had a few days off and continue on with Spring Break all week this week. I'm staying away from the computer this week and trying to stay away from the leftover Easter candy too. The kids made a great dent in it yesterday, but somehow we managed to have a lot left for today!

Today is opening day for baseball and it's a beautiful day here in Milwaukee. It will be the first opening day that Miller Park will have it's roof open ever. Can't believe Minnesota has gone roofless!! I'll be sitting outside enjoying the weather.

The rest of the week, we'll try to get along with each other. I'll check blogs throughout the week, but probably won't be posting.

I had an interesting week last week at the WW meetings. Lots of emotion as a few WW members came back after gaining much of their weight back, one member hit the 100 pound lost mark and a new member came Saturday. Same age as me, and starting at about 420. It's got to be intimidating to even start a process and got me thinking as to how I felt the first time I came to a meeting. I will try to get that feeling of "I can do this, a little at a time!" feeling back this week.


Kathy said...

And Jennifer Hudson! Is she an official spokesperson?

Frank Dobner said...

I read something that made a lot of sense to me. It said something like "to get whatever you want in life, you simply need to give that to someone else." In your case, these meetings are about helping other people and it will be yours.

What do you think?

Miz said...


you CAN do this.
you CAN do this.

40 Something said...

I have considered support group meeting, but have not been to one in years, maybe now that I have lost most, it would be even more important to attend

Fitter After 50 said...

I hope you enjoy your "break". As long as you're maintaining a healthy lifestyle, that's the main thing.

TB--Milwaukee said...

Kathy~I caught the tail end of one of her commercials, but yes official spokesperson would be correct. I liked "Hungry" the orange monster myself.

Frank~Makes sense. I work the meetings to stay accountable, but have had several guys comment about how they wouldn't be coming unless a guy was there. Nice to be a source of inspiration.

Miz~I know I CAN do it. It's just a matter of how bad I WANT to do it right now.

Twice the Man~Thanks for dropping by. Meetings have helped me out.

Oh Sew Good~I have enjoyed the break, just wish our weather would have been nicer. We've had a lot of indoor time. Today is nice though.