Monday, June 30, 2008

Pick Your "HARD"

It's hard being overweight. Aches and pains in the knees, in the back. Always being out of breath when walking up the stairs or down the block. Having to shop in the "Big & Tall" section for guys or the "Plus Size" section for gals. Always feeling bloated or stuffed. It's HARD being overweight. I'm sure there are many other "hard's" that I am forgetting.

But it's just as "hard" to be at a healthy weight. It's hard to make good food choices. Portion control and not taking that second helping of Cheesy Potatoes or a second burger. Making a conscious decision to exercise instead of rest. Staying motivated and diligent all the time. Not binging on cookies, chips or candy. It's HARD to be at a healthy weight.

Which one is more difficult? They both have their "hard's" and I for one am going to try to keep with the healthy weight "hard's" as I don't miss the overweight "hard's" at all.


Andrew is getting fit said...

I'll give the healthy hards a go myself!

Kathy said...

Excellent point! Decisions...decisions...decisions! The problem is, the damage isn't immediate so you tend to think you're getting a free pass for a while!

WWSuzi said...

I totally agree!! It's like effort, it sometimes takes so much effort and thought to stay with the program but the results are sooo worth it ;)

Anonymous said...

Do you know what's really hard?

It's really hard to mail something to someone when you don't have their address.

You may want to stop by here to figure out what I mean...

Anonymous said...

It's true -- very good reminder. Plus I FEEL so much better when I'm eating well & exercising. I NEVER feel good when I'm overweight and eating junk. There's a difference there. D

Anonymous said...

I just posted about Friday's "What is It?" D

Kate said...

Ahh yes, it's all about decisions! Thanks for that reminder, it's just as hard to be unhealthy as it us to be healthy!